Hongje Seong

📧 hjseong [at] uos.ac.kr
📍 163 Seoulsiripdaero, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02504 Korea
CV | Google Scholar | Github
I am an Assistant Professor at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Seoul, Korea. I am currently the principal investigator of the Computer Vision Laboratory (CVLAB).
Previously, I was a Staff Researcher at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT). I was a research intern at Adobe Research (San Jose, CA) in 2021. During my internship, I worked at the Creative Intelligence Lab with Joon-Young Lee, Seoung Wug Oh, and Brian Price as my mentors. I received my Ph.D. and B.S. degrees in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Yonsei University in 2023 and 2018, respectively, advised by Professor Euntai Kim.
selected publications
Correlation Verification for Image Retrieval and Its Memory Footprint OptimizationIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Mar, 2025
(IF: 20.8) -
Fallen Person Detection for Autonomous DrivingExpert Systems With Applications (ESWA), Mar, 2023
(IF: 8.665) -
Video Object Segmentation using Kernelized Memory Network with Multiple KernelsIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Feb, 2023
(IF: 24.314) -
Adjacent Feature Propagation Network (AFPNet) for Real-Time Semantic SegmentationIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (TSMC), Sep, 2022
(IF: 11.471) -
Indoor Place Category Recognition for a Cleaning Robot by Fusing a Probabilistic Approach and Deep LearningIEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCYB), Aug, 2022
(IF: 19.118, * indicates equal contribution) -
Graph-Based Point Tracker for 3D Object Tracking in Point CloudsAAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Feb, 2022
(Acceptance: 1349/9020 ≈ 15.0%) -
Universal Pooling - A New Pooling Method for Convolutional Neural NetworksExpert Systems With Applications (ESWA), Oct, 2021
(IF: 6.954) -
Kernelized Memory Network for Video Object SegmentationEuropean Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Aug, 2020
(Acceptance: 1361/5025 ≈ 27.1%)
3rd Place Award in DAVIS20 Challenge (CVPRW-DAVIS 2020)